The Miocene epoch lasted from 23.0-5.3 Mya BC and has foraminiferal faunas closely related to recent ones. The genus Florilus is common in Miocene sediments of the shelf. Some authors placed them in Nonion.
Florilus boueanum (d´Orbigny, 1846),
Stade, Germany, Pre North Sea, Middle Miocene
Florilus boueanum (d´Orbigny, 1846),
Gram, Denmark, Pre North Sea, Miocene
Florilus grateloupi (d´Orbigny, 1826),
Calvert Cliffs Bed 10, Maryland, USA, Miocene
Florilus chesapeakensis Gibson, 1983,
Calvert Cliffs Bed 4-9, Maryland, USA, Miocene
Catenipora gracilis Chain Coral Fossil
This picture is of a *Catenipora gracilis *(Lamarck, 1816) chain coral
fossil. It existed during the Silurian period. The fossil was found in
Canada. Fo...
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