Monday, November 18, 2013

Miocene Foraminifera - hundreds of images added


A mayor work on Miocene Foraminifera is the revision of D'Orbignys "The Fossil Foraminifera of the Tertiary Basin of Vienna". Its hundreds of SEM images are now integrated in our database courtesy of the Geological Survey of Austria at

Cheers Michael

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Foraminifera from the Santos Basin off Brazil

Foraminifera from the Santos Basin off Brazil

Micael Bergamaschi provided more than 40 SEM-images of Pleistocene age from the Santos Basin off Brazil like the Bulmina below. The images are published in

Bergamaschi, M.L., 2012: Interpretações paleoambientais do Pleistoceno Médio com base em foraminiferos bentonicos da Bacia de Santos – Brasil. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharel em Ciências Biológicas) Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS, São Leopoldo – RS 120p (in portuguese)

It can be downloaded  from

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

7000 foraminifera illustrations online

These days we crossed the line of 7.000 illustrations being integrated. 

Thank you all envolved !

 Support us to crack the 10.000 !

Besides of quantity we are also working on quality. Subscribe to the Newsletter to learn more.



Sunday, May 19, 2013

Reophax agglutinatus Cushman 1913

a foraminifer prefering to build its test 
by using other empty foram tests 
Reophax agglutinatus Cushman 1913

More details at

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Adrian sends sand

in the mail these days was a little box from Adrian, UK - a long time contributor to the project.

The box contains a couple of small bags with sand. A closer look through the binocular reveals that these sands mainly consist of shells, tests and fragments of bigger organism-remnants. These sands are rich in foraminifera. My estimate is that there are hundreds if not thousands of forams in each tiny bag.

The forams lived once in Scotland, Tenerife,  Malta, Crete  and Bermuda.

It gives us a lot to find und to have fun.

Great job Adrian ! 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Mallorca foraminifera - optical images

Mallorca foraminifera - optical images

Elphidium jenseni (=Elphidium complanatum)   Size: 0,6mm
New contributor Roland emailed quite detailed optical images of forams found at the beach of Alcudia, Mallorca - a sample I sent him. We intend - as time allows - to portray samples of the Meditteranean by imaging the abundant species and do some basic counting.

Find more images at



Sunday, March 10, 2013

Atlas of Maastrichtian Foraminifera

The Atlas of Boreal Maastrichtian Foraminifera is building up.
350+ images are added
They are accessible through the Atlas of Boreal Maastrichtian Foraminifera

The first goal will be to add about 600 images. In May 2013 the working group "Atlas of Boreal Maastrichtian Foraminifera" will meet and discuss how to move on. It is not clear, whether we have the capacity to add pages on single species with further explanations. There are several samples waiting to be processed. Lets see, which path we follow.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Google maps on foraminifera finds

Personalized google maps with flags on each locality of foram finds have been implemented. They have full functionality like zooming in and out, changing map-type ... A click on each flag opens an info-window from where a link leads to the locality-page with all images. Maps are available for the geological periods Carboniferous to recent. Please tell me, what you think about it and how it should be improved.